Note - Selected study material in italics. My comments and Bible quotes are in plain text.
*** btchap.5pp.41-43“WeMustObeyGodasRuler”***
The material we are expected to slurp up is and swallow is so slick and slimy that sometimes it comes back up a little. Take tonight’s book study for instance.
18 “The apostles, acting as the governing body of the expanding congregation, recognized that it would not be wise for them “to leave the word of God to distribute food.”
Apostles = governing body (lower case), this an introduced term.
"To resolve matters, they directed the disciples to search for seven men “full of spirit and wisdom” whom the apostles could appoint over this “necessary business.”
(Acts 6:2-3) NW So the twelve called the multitude of the disciples to them and said: “It is not pleasing for us to leave the word of God to distribute [food] to tables. 3 So, brothers, search out for yourselves seven certified men from among YOU, full of spirit and wisdom, that we may appoint them . . .
The text reads not that the twelve (note; not governing body) but the multitude of disciples did the choosing. How does that translate to appointment practice today?
“Qualified men were needed because the work likely involved not just serving food but also handling money, purchasing supplies, and keeping careful records”.
This shamelessly projects the modern practices and obsessions backwards and assumes that because they are done now, they were done in the same way then. Can you imagine? Stephen goes home to his wife “I may be busy for a few weeks I’ve been appointed catering overseer, it’s a real privilege of service” Barf!
20 ““Jehovah’s people today follow the apostolic pattern… Under the direction of the Governing Body, men who meet the Scriptural requirements are appointed….”
So now apostles = governing body = Governing Body
Therefore Governing Body = apostles. Modest huh!
Bye the way a s a disciple I don’t remember being consulted about who to appoint.
“Those who meet the qualifications can be said to have been appointed by holy spirit.”
Yeah right.
Hope you followed this little diatribe. I know i am preaching to the converted but I just have to unload.